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Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business

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The advantages to this business are that you can start on a shoestring, part-time if you like, you're always on the move yourself, and you get a peek at lots of different residences and lifestyles. In a competitive marketplace, packaging is so much more than just placing your product in a box — it's an opportunity to 'wow' your customer! Make opening your package an. Although colorful packaging can help your products grab the attention of shoppers, your packaging is useful for other marketing and general purposes. It can help you establish a price point for your food products, for instance. Consumers make assumptions about a product's desirability and perceived value based on how it's packaged. When planning to start a new business, one of the first things to consider is where to launch it. Location, after all, is one of ‘The 5 Critical Elements to Make Your Business a Smashing Success' — and for good reason. It can very well spell the difference between success or failure, and here are five considerations to show you why.

Therefore, having a strong review presence online can bring attention to your business as they are researching online and seal the deal and increase sales. Make Asking for a Review Second Nature A new stat out shows 63% of consumers have left positive reviews for local businesses, and only 32% admit to leaving negative reviews.

There are a lot of things to be mindful about when you are starting or trying to maintain a business. One of the most crucial parts of staying in business is to retain a good credit rating. Credit ratings are essential to a business as they tell potential shareholders and banks that the company is worthy investing in and will be able to pay back any bank loan they had taken.

Like for individual credit score reports, credit rating agencies generate credit ratings for businesses, but these are tabulated by factoring several aspects of the company's financial activities. They include payment histories, age of credit history, debt and debt usage, industry risk and company size.

Maintaining a good credit standing may sound like a simple task, however, it attracts a great deal of negativity if the scores are low. Professionally your business will be deemed unreliable, and it will deter shareholders and essential parties from initiating collaboration or continuing relationship with your business, which makes building back the reputation all the harder once the rating lowers.


Here are some ways to make sure the credit rating remains good.

Pay your bills on time

First things first. There is no easy way to keep the ratings high. It's a process that takes regular monitoring to achieve a high credit rating and it starts with paying bills promptly or in advance while keeping a detailed record of each transaction. Aside from submitting data to the credit rating agencies to monitor the business financial activities, internally there should be a set of eyes keeping detailed notes on debit and credit. If there's any complication that presents itself or in the event credit rating agencies tabulated the wrong numbers that result in low ratings, you will be able to catch it instantly and submit the necessary information for a review of the ratings.

Aside from keeping records, know exactly when your payments are due and make them in advance if possible to avoid any blemish to the credit report, and if necessary set notifications or auto-pay instructions for payments so that late payments wouldn't hurt the business credit rating.

Maintain a healthy debt to credit ratio

When applying for a bank loan or placing things for a mortgage, one of the most important pieces of information that will help banks decide if the business can make the payments on time is the Debt to Credit Ratio. The Debt to Credit Ratio helps banks see if you and your business are trustworthy. To maintain that, you have to keep track of the list of debts and divide it into the profit being made to see if the ratio is lower or higher. Stick rpg not hackedobey games. The lower the ratio, the better the credit rating will be.

Set a limit to your credit usage

Setting financial limits for company expenditure is imperative to get a good business credit rating. These include business expenditure such as networking, traveling, capacity expansion, hiring personnel to take charge of the business and so forth. That said, factor in the cash flow and set a limit instead so that the expenses for business won't be something the company can't handle monthly, which will result in falling back on payments. Some of the steps that you can take to set up restrictions include reducing the limit on credit cards to the lowest amount deemed appropriate. This will help you be aware of the charges being made and get notified if the usage goes over the limit.

Control the amount of loan being utilised

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Businesses

Whenever a company applies for a bank loan, it does so at the risk of the ratings getting lower. With that in mind, it is wise to refrain from utilising the total bank loan funds all at once. Instead try to assert a limit in order to have control of the flow of money getting in and out of the account.

Avoid multiple credit cards or loan applications in a short period of time

All expenses may seem like a necessary investment for the future. You have to keep a keen eye on the cash flow that is flowing in and out of the business so that there won't be any need for frequent loan applications. Instead try using a business credit card for everyday purchases for the company, such as groceries, supplies, utility payments or travel.

A business credit card wouldn't make a huge mark on the rating, as long as you make the minimum payment on time. However, do not apply for multiple cards at once. It will result in exhausting your funds and you will hit bankruptcy quicker.

Avoid becoming bankrupt and having derogatory remarks on the credit report

Sometimes it's the fault of the season that businesses are brought down to bankruptcy. But once bankruptcy hits the credit rating will drop as well. In an effort to remedy that, there should be an allocation of fund for emergency purposes, either to cover the losses or to make timely payments.

In conclusion, credit ratings are the first thing potential buyers and clients will look at as the face of the company. A great deal of importance should be given to it to make a good impression in the market; it is always a good idea to go through your business credit ratings with your own eyes and keep tabs on it because your livelihood depends on it. If any error or discrepancy should occur you will be the only one who will be able to see it and report it. It helps to sign up for alerts that will notify you of any changes to the credit records so the necessary actions can be taken to rectify the problems.

The successful growth of your organisation is largely dependent on your mindset as the owner of the business. Are you taking the time to develop this crucial element?
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You're reading Entrepreneur South Africa, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

Goodgame_cafeanne 28 online, free games. Over the course of the last few months, I have worked with several business owners — some who are doing extremely well and others who are struggling. During this time, I have been reminded of the importance of mindset for business owners.

On many occasions, I asked business owners to list ten things that were affecting their ability to grow their businesses.

Most, if not all, listed the following items:

  • The economy
  • The Government
  • Competition
  • Lack of skilled staff
  • Employee commitment
  • Product quality
  • Legislation
  • Cash flow.

In most instances, the business owners did not mention their own role in preventing their businesses from growing. This was interesting, as I found that for many of them the most significant contributor to their lack of growth was their own mindset.

In Sharon Lechter's book, Three Feet from Gold she discusses the following formula for success, one that I have found particularly useful in helping business owners focus on growth:

((P+T) x (A x A) + F = Success


P = Passion
T = Talent
A = Associations
A = Action
F = Faith

I have also included a third ‘A' to the equation: Affirmations. But what do each of these elements mean to the business owner? Here's an exercise you can complete to start working on your own success formula.


Richard Lieder, author of The Power of Purpose, said it best: 'Purpose is the conscious choice of what, where, and how to make a positive contribution to our world. It is the theme, quality or passion we choose to centre our lives around.'

Many business owners do not spend enough time understanding or defining what their true passion is. What is that ‘thing' that drives them towards success?

A useful exercise to complete would be to list at least ten things that you are passionate about. Focus on what energises you and the times that you were most fulfilled. It might be useful to obtain input from family and friends as well.


Now list ten things that you're good at. What are you good at and what do you excel at?
Share this list with a family member or good friend and ask them to remove one item from the list that least describes you. Repeat this process until you are left with just one talent.

Once complete, match your core talent to the passion in the previous step to determine if there is a common connection.

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business


There is a well known saying that the books you read and the people you meet will determine where you will be in five years' time. Write down the five or ten people that you spend most of your time with. Do they contribute to your success as an entrepreneur or not? If you are the most successful person in the room then it's time to change your associations.

List the names of five successful people that you know personally. Now list the associations that could help you grow your passion and talent. Which people, networks, businesses, charities or sports clubs would you need to consider associating with that could grow your passion and talent?

Spend some time researching which associations might be of benefit to you and then decide on one of them. You will only obtain true benefit from interacting with any of these associations if you are willing to support them in their endeavours and objectives. Successful relationships are additive, not subtractive.

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business

Here are some ways to make sure the credit rating remains good.

Pay your bills on time

First things first. There is no easy way to keep the ratings high. It's a process that takes regular monitoring to achieve a high credit rating and it starts with paying bills promptly or in advance while keeping a detailed record of each transaction. Aside from submitting data to the credit rating agencies to monitor the business financial activities, internally there should be a set of eyes keeping detailed notes on debit and credit. If there's any complication that presents itself or in the event credit rating agencies tabulated the wrong numbers that result in low ratings, you will be able to catch it instantly and submit the necessary information for a review of the ratings.

Aside from keeping records, know exactly when your payments are due and make them in advance if possible to avoid any blemish to the credit report, and if necessary set notifications or auto-pay instructions for payments so that late payments wouldn't hurt the business credit rating.

Maintain a healthy debt to credit ratio

When applying for a bank loan or placing things for a mortgage, one of the most important pieces of information that will help banks decide if the business can make the payments on time is the Debt to Credit Ratio. The Debt to Credit Ratio helps banks see if you and your business are trustworthy. To maintain that, you have to keep track of the list of debts and divide it into the profit being made to see if the ratio is lower or higher. Stick rpg not hackedobey games. The lower the ratio, the better the credit rating will be.

Set a limit to your credit usage

Setting financial limits for company expenditure is imperative to get a good business credit rating. These include business expenditure such as networking, traveling, capacity expansion, hiring personnel to take charge of the business and so forth. That said, factor in the cash flow and set a limit instead so that the expenses for business won't be something the company can't handle monthly, which will result in falling back on payments. Some of the steps that you can take to set up restrictions include reducing the limit on credit cards to the lowest amount deemed appropriate. This will help you be aware of the charges being made and get notified if the usage goes over the limit.

Control the amount of loan being utilised

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Businesses

Whenever a company applies for a bank loan, it does so at the risk of the ratings getting lower. With that in mind, it is wise to refrain from utilising the total bank loan funds all at once. Instead try to assert a limit in order to have control of the flow of money getting in and out of the account.

Avoid multiple credit cards or loan applications in a short period of time

All expenses may seem like a necessary investment for the future. You have to keep a keen eye on the cash flow that is flowing in and out of the business so that there won't be any need for frequent loan applications. Instead try using a business credit card for everyday purchases for the company, such as groceries, supplies, utility payments or travel.

A business credit card wouldn't make a huge mark on the rating, as long as you make the minimum payment on time. However, do not apply for multiple cards at once. It will result in exhausting your funds and you will hit bankruptcy quicker.

Avoid becoming bankrupt and having derogatory remarks on the credit report

Sometimes it's the fault of the season that businesses are brought down to bankruptcy. But once bankruptcy hits the credit rating will drop as well. In an effort to remedy that, there should be an allocation of fund for emergency purposes, either to cover the losses or to make timely payments.

In conclusion, credit ratings are the first thing potential buyers and clients will look at as the face of the company. A great deal of importance should be given to it to make a good impression in the market; it is always a good idea to go through your business credit ratings with your own eyes and keep tabs on it because your livelihood depends on it. If any error or discrepancy should occur you will be the only one who will be able to see it and report it. It helps to sign up for alerts that will notify you of any changes to the credit records so the necessary actions can be taken to rectify the problems.

The successful growth of your organisation is largely dependent on your mindset as the owner of the business. Are you taking the time to develop this crucial element?
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You're reading Entrepreneur South Africa, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

Goodgame_cafeanne 28 online, free games. Over the course of the last few months, I have worked with several business owners — some who are doing extremely well and others who are struggling. During this time, I have been reminded of the importance of mindset for business owners.

On many occasions, I asked business owners to list ten things that were affecting their ability to grow their businesses.

Most, if not all, listed the following items:

  • The economy
  • The Government
  • Competition
  • Lack of skilled staff
  • Employee commitment
  • Product quality
  • Legislation
  • Cash flow.

In most instances, the business owners did not mention their own role in preventing their businesses from growing. This was interesting, as I found that for many of them the most significant contributor to their lack of growth was their own mindset.

In Sharon Lechter's book, Three Feet from Gold she discusses the following formula for success, one that I have found particularly useful in helping business owners focus on growth:

((P+T) x (A x A) + F = Success


P = Passion
T = Talent
A = Associations
A = Action
F = Faith

I have also included a third ‘A' to the equation: Affirmations. But what do each of these elements mean to the business owner? Here's an exercise you can complete to start working on your own success formula.


Richard Lieder, author of The Power of Purpose, said it best: 'Purpose is the conscious choice of what, where, and how to make a positive contribution to our world. It is the theme, quality or passion we choose to centre our lives around.'

Many business owners do not spend enough time understanding or defining what their true passion is. What is that ‘thing' that drives them towards success?

A useful exercise to complete would be to list at least ten things that you are passionate about. Focus on what energises you and the times that you were most fulfilled. It might be useful to obtain input from family and friends as well.


Now list ten things that you're good at. What are you good at and what do you excel at?
Share this list with a family member or good friend and ask them to remove one item from the list that least describes you. Repeat this process until you are left with just one talent.

Once complete, match your core talent to the passion in the previous step to determine if there is a common connection.


There is a well known saying that the books you read and the people you meet will determine where you will be in five years' time. Write down the five or ten people that you spend most of your time with. Do they contribute to your success as an entrepreneur or not? If you are the most successful person in the room then it's time to change your associations.

List the names of five successful people that you know personally. Now list the associations that could help you grow your passion and talent. Which people, networks, businesses, charities or sports clubs would you need to consider associating with that could grow your passion and talent?

Spend some time researching which associations might be of benefit to you and then decide on one of them. You will only obtain true benefit from interacting with any of these associations if you are willing to support them in their endeavours and objectives. Successful relationships are additive, not subtractive.


Most business owners who are struggling have a low self-esteem or image of their own ability or value proposition.

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business License

It's often the ‘noise' that goes on in their heads that is the biggest contributor to their own downfall. Writing down a list of affirmations that start with the words 'I am' is truly beneficial. Once you have completed a list of at least 20 affirmations, make sure you read them daily. It will help you start each day on a positive, confident note.


Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business Name

Change requires action and this is often where things fall apart. On many occasions, business owners become overwhelmed by what needs to be done and instead of starting somewhere, they freeze and do nothing.

A useful exercise is to list ‘The One Thing' that needs to be completed daily. Then repeat this exercise for the week, month and quarter. Glyphs mac glyphs for mac os. Keep it to one thing. As you complete each day, record what progress you have made for the day and take time to celebrate each accomplishment. You will find that by focusing on just one thing, momentum starts building and you make significant progress towards issues that matter, and achieving your purpose.


In this sense, faith means believing in yourself and your ability to be successful in your business, despite any of the obstacles that may be put in your path. For many business owners, this is not easy. It requires reflection on some of the highs and lows of your life to date and how you behaved during these times. Every business owner has had successes.

Draw on the lessons that got you there. But don't ignore times of turbulence and challenges. Reflect on how you managed those times, and you will start developing a toolset that will help you develop faith in your own abilities, which is vital to your future success in business.

Why Packaging Can Make Or Break Your Business Cards

Pulling it all together

Focusing your attention on these six factors will contribute to your success. It might be useful to obtain the services of a business coach or a mentor to assist you in maintaining your focus and holding you accountable for your success.

Do this

Implement daily exercises that will keep you focused, confident and pursuing your growth goals to ensure ultimate success.

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