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Updated!teach To Be Happy

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'Phenom' — the second single from Thao & The Get Down Stay Down's new album, Temple — became something of a viral hit when it was released in early April. It was picked up by local outlets (I wrote about it for 48 Hills) as well as national arbiters of culture, including Variety. The innovative visual, billed as the first music video produced using Zoom, will one day serve as a musical time capsule for these strange days.

If you could, I would be totally awesomely happy if you could PM me and tell me what you'd like to read, and even make suggestions. That's it for now! Update 10th of September 2012. Some of you have asked me for it, so my tumblr is: heya-brittana-love. I'm online a lot, so yeah, you're more likely to get a reply from me on there:). Teach your students close reading strategies. This common core aligned packet of worksheets helps guide instruction, small group practice, partner work/discussions, and independent learning to learn strategies for close reading. Topics include:Contrasts and Contradictions 'Why does the char. You will know it when you see it, this problem is actually caused by the music file, it is a common problem in lots of 'media center-like' program, they category the music by the music file's 'inner tag' instead of 'categorying by the folders'. One of the most influential teaching guides ever—updated! Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is a complete update to the international bestseller.This teaching guide is a must-have for new and experienced teachers alike. Bah, wish they had an 800 number, I'd be more than happy to run up their phone bills with complaints. Guess I'll have to settle on just running up their bandwidth costs. 2005-May-12 6:31 pm.

Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, the virtual meeting platform has become a verb, serving as the colloquial shorthand for company tele-meetings, digital classrooms, and virtual happy hours amongst friends. Just as the world was getting friendly with the platform, Thao Nguyen demonstrated some literal outside-the-box thinking — disrupting the very idea of what a Zoom session might sound and look like.

Updated!teach To Be Happy

The original concept for the 'Phenom' music video — a staged one, to be filmed in Los Angeles, where Ngyen currently lives — was scrapped due to the shelter-in-place orders that came down in March. Nguyen's manager suggested they shoot an alternative using the suddenly very popular video conferencing software. They moved fast to conceive, rehearse, shoot and finish the clip. In total, it took a week to complete.

'It took the co-director and choreographer Erin Murray probably a couple of days to choreograph for Zoom, then a full day of rehearsal with all the dancers on Zoom, then a full day of shooting and doing takes on Zoom,' Nguyen — a Virginia native and longtime Bay Area denizen — explains via email. She says that while the choreography and performance were all captured live, the finished product did go through a post-production process to address things like internet lag in some of the dancer's grid spaces. 'But everyone was performing each full take live. Very impressive planning and calculations were taking place. For example, we had to all log out and call back in a different order for me to end up being the head of the body,' Thao notes, referring to the muscular figure, constructed by seven people around the 1:40-mark.

It required eight takes to get the full song right and then numerous run-throughs to perfect the performance and choreography. When all was said and done, Nguyen and the rest of the team spent 10 hours rehearsing and another 10 hours shooting. That's a lot of Zoom-ing for one week.

On the whole, Temple is a departure from the classic Thao & The Get Down Stay Down vibe. Citing great changes in her life — such as scoring commissions, guest-hosting the podcast Song Exploder, and buying a house with her girlfriend, to whom she is now married — Nguyen says she felt this record needed to break with tradition.

Once listeners get rhythmically distanced from the first couple of songs — title track 'Temple,' with its synth-pop orbit, and 'Phenom,' with its plucky bass twitch — the album shifts gears, favoring twang over bump. The wavy 'Pure Cinema,' the penultimate track on side A, is rock balladry with a layer of theremin-frequency surface noise.

Packaging could make or break the success of your product. If you are still skeptical, you should read the results of a survey by IPSOS. It found that 70% of customers agree that packaging. Although colorful packaging can help your products grab the attention of shoppers, your packaging is useful for other marketing and general purposes. It can help you establish a price point for your food products, for instance. Consumers make assumptions about a product's desirability and perceived value based on how it's packaged. The packaging of healthcare and wellness products can make or break your sales and deliver the first impression to the customer. While the look of packaging has not always been a deal breaker to the consumer during the purchasing process, the packaging industry is now changing right before our eyes. Why packaging can make or break your business. The importance of product packaging is to protect the product from damage. Product packaging not only protects, but its show your value into the market.

The second song on the record's flip side, 'Disclaim,' features sneaky experimental flourishes and recalls the verve of Laurie Anderson, whispering truth to power. The last stand 2get big games play. Nguyen says it was 'written in the voice of an amalgamation of some insolent and insidious men we have long suffered.' The song's stuttering refrain: 'But how could we even know?'

'I missed all those sonic roots and felt that this album would be a place where all could exist,' Nguyen says. 'It's taken a decent while but I was ready to come home and incorporate all the zig. This record was very much about us (my long time bandmate Adam Thompson who co-produced with me) really listening to and executing our musical instincts, the most significant changes being unlimited room to flesh out our individual ideas and incorporate them as needed, in service of each moment of each song.'


'How Could I' veers in the power-pop lane, and 'Lion on the Hunt' weaves together a stuttering drum line with Thao's multi-flow enunciation. Instead of breaking out into some type of improv hip-hop expanse, which she's been known to do, Nguyen finds the middle ground.

It's not a bad move; just different. These 10 songs fly by quickly — in about half an hour — and drop Nguyen exactly where she wants to be: Present.

Michael Hutchinson

Triple-T Drumming Ltd

Teaching Drums in Blaydon on tyne


Michael, has been teaching the Rockschool syllabus since 2012 and currently teaches all grades for Drums.

Instruments Taught

  • Drums

Online Lessons

  • Not Specified

Updated Teach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes



The original concept for the 'Phenom' music video — a staged one, to be filmed in Los Angeles, where Ngyen currently lives — was scrapped due to the shelter-in-place orders that came down in March. Nguyen's manager suggested they shoot an alternative using the suddenly very popular video conferencing software. They moved fast to conceive, rehearse, shoot and finish the clip. In total, it took a week to complete.

'It took the co-director and choreographer Erin Murray probably a couple of days to choreograph for Zoom, then a full day of rehearsal with all the dancers on Zoom, then a full day of shooting and doing takes on Zoom,' Nguyen — a Virginia native and longtime Bay Area denizen — explains via email. She says that while the choreography and performance were all captured live, the finished product did go through a post-production process to address things like internet lag in some of the dancer's grid spaces. 'But everyone was performing each full take live. Very impressive planning and calculations were taking place. For example, we had to all log out and call back in a different order for me to end up being the head of the body,' Thao notes, referring to the muscular figure, constructed by seven people around the 1:40-mark.

It required eight takes to get the full song right and then numerous run-throughs to perfect the performance and choreography. When all was said and done, Nguyen and the rest of the team spent 10 hours rehearsing and another 10 hours shooting. That's a lot of Zoom-ing for one week.

On the whole, Temple is a departure from the classic Thao & The Get Down Stay Down vibe. Citing great changes in her life — such as scoring commissions, guest-hosting the podcast Song Exploder, and buying a house with her girlfriend, to whom she is now married — Nguyen says she felt this record needed to break with tradition.

Once listeners get rhythmically distanced from the first couple of songs — title track 'Temple,' with its synth-pop orbit, and 'Phenom,' with its plucky bass twitch — the album shifts gears, favoring twang over bump. The wavy 'Pure Cinema,' the penultimate track on side A, is rock balladry with a layer of theremin-frequency surface noise.

Packaging could make or break the success of your product. If you are still skeptical, you should read the results of a survey by IPSOS. It found that 70% of customers agree that packaging. Although colorful packaging can help your products grab the attention of shoppers, your packaging is useful for other marketing and general purposes. It can help you establish a price point for your food products, for instance. Consumers make assumptions about a product's desirability and perceived value based on how it's packaged. The packaging of healthcare and wellness products can make or break your sales and deliver the first impression to the customer. While the look of packaging has not always been a deal breaker to the consumer during the purchasing process, the packaging industry is now changing right before our eyes. Why packaging can make or break your business. The importance of product packaging is to protect the product from damage. Product packaging not only protects, but its show your value into the market.

The second song on the record's flip side, 'Disclaim,' features sneaky experimental flourishes and recalls the verve of Laurie Anderson, whispering truth to power. The last stand 2get big games play. Nguyen says it was 'written in the voice of an amalgamation of some insolent and insidious men we have long suffered.' The song's stuttering refrain: 'But how could we even know?'

'I missed all those sonic roots and felt that this album would be a place where all could exist,' Nguyen says. 'It's taken a decent while but I was ready to come home and incorporate all the zig. This record was very much about us (my long time bandmate Adam Thompson who co-produced with me) really listening to and executing our musical instincts, the most significant changes being unlimited room to flesh out our individual ideas and incorporate them as needed, in service of each moment of each song.'

'How Could I' veers in the power-pop lane, and 'Lion on the Hunt' weaves together a stuttering drum line with Thao's multi-flow enunciation. Instead of breaking out into some type of improv hip-hop expanse, which she's been known to do, Nguyen finds the middle ground.

It's not a bad move; just different. These 10 songs fly by quickly — in about half an hour — and drop Nguyen exactly where she wants to be: Present.

Michael Hutchinson

Triple-T Drumming Ltd

Teaching Drums in Blaydon on tyne

Michael, has been teaching the Rockschool syllabus since 2012 and currently teaches all grades for Drums.

Instruments Taught

  • Drums

Online Lessons

  • Not Specified

Updated Teach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes


  • Michael says they were DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked on 1 March 2019
  • Michael says they have public liability insurance


  • BA Hons Creative Music Performance (2019)

Michael's Fees

Fees by duration in minutes.

DurationFee (Pound Sterling)
30 min £15.00
60 min £30.00

Michael's Contact Details

Updated Teach To Be Happy Hour

Michael has listed their teaching address as a business address.

  • Business Address: Triple-T Drumming Ltd, Unit 17 Tundry Way, Blaydon on tyne, NE21 5SJ
  • Phone:07896655228




  • Glyphs mac glyphs for mac.


Updated Teach To Be Happy Wishes

We have found Michael Hutchinson to be an excellent teacher. He is accommodating, helpful and makes the lessons fun and interesting. Lessons are well structured covering both theory, and practical elements. Michael is patient with Matthew and has the ability to correct him in a constructive way, which means that Matthew is not afraid to make mistakes, but is clear on the mistakes he does make and is keen to correct them. Michael gives solid support leading up to exams and explained thoroughly all that was expected prior to Matthew's debut grade exam recently. The pre-exam lesson was delivered in a fun way, which put Matthew at ease leading up to the exam. We are very glad to have found a drum teacher like Michael for Matthew. We feel that the combination of him being a drum teacher along with playing regularly with various bands, keeps the lessons fresh and up to date. We happily recommend Triple-T Drumming to anyone looking for drum lessons.

As a mature student, Michael made me feel comfortable to want to follow what I should of started when I was a kid, Awesome teacher, first class teaching studio, with a wealth of knowledge. Top Guy

Additional Information About Michael

Michael is a Freelance Drummer and Educator from Northeast of England.
Currently, apart of the SoulTone Cymbals Family and D’Addario Education collective, SEN (Sabian Education Network) and is Supported by ProMark sticks and Evans Drum heads, he also plays Tama Startclassic range of drums.
Triple-T Drumming Ltd is a registered company, number 08916052, and is run by Michael Hutchinson
Email Address:
We are a family run business with a strong ethos of 'Make Music Cool again' our mission is simple 'Music is for everyone, let's deliver it to everyone'.
For a long time, Michael wanted to take the enthusiasm and dedication his music teachers gave to him and share that with others, so 3 years ago he decided to look into teaching.
After visiting drum kit teachers around the northeast, seeing what he needed to do and get some inspiration from them, he decided that not only spending a lot of money doing this and also learning things like 'how to swizzle sticks' and 'don't play it like that, play it like me', he decided that his goal was NOT to deliver lessons like this and deliver a completely different lesson, a lesson that was all about the drummer, and the needs of the drummer, and what that drummer wanted to learn.
He needed to come up with a set of 4 rules to govern his plan.
Cost-effective, so everyone could afford it
A syllabus which was mixed, Rock school syllabus with challenging real-life lessons which incorporated what the drummers learning objectives were for the grade they where working on.
Location needed to be in an environment where learning was the key, Children safety was at the forefront but was accessible by everyone.
And most importantly A right laugh.
After defining the plan, Triple-T Drumming was born.
After initially starting with a couple of students, taking them through exams and lessons we have grown at an amazing rate, with the use of Web and Social media, but more importantly word of mouth.
From here we have gone from strength to strength, More and More private students are queuing to get a place, exams results are defining why we do this, with 100% pass rate and proud of it too.
We have students who range from 5-65 years young.
We have a lot of schools who we work very closely with, and deliver 1st class lessons in the shape of assemblies, on-premise lessons, and after school clubs.
We have taken teachers through lessons on 'how to teach children rhythm' classes.
We have gone from a First Class idea to a First Class School, and we are very proud to say that, and we love what we do.
If you would like any more information on private lessons or schoolwork. if you would like to discuss a project of any kind please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your needs.

Updated Teach To Be Happy Birthday

Things to Check Before Choosing

  • Do they seem reliable?
  • Are their teaching fees expensive?
  • What qualifications do they have?
  • Does their social media and web address match their profile information?

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